Chromo Therapy
Natural Therapies
What is Chromo Therapy?
Seven colours of Sun rays have different therapeutic effects. These colours are-Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. For being healthy and in treatment of different diseases, these colours work effectively. Water and oil exposed to sun for specified hours in coloured bottles and coloured glasses, are used as devices of Chromo Therapy for treating different disorders. The simple methods of Chromo Therapy help in the process of recovery in a very effective manner. The sunrays are good source of Vitamin D which is essential for our bones. In todays busy lives no one has time for sunbath. We often remain inside houses, A.C's, closed rooms & offices. Thats why today deficiency of Vitamin D occurs in most of the people leading to Joint pain, body ache, tiredness, fatigueness etc. We won't bother to take natural form of Vitamin D instead prefer artifical forms in form of costly pills . I have tried to describe the best use of chromotherapy just by sitting at home and without any cost in a total Natural Way.
- Take 1 empty green colour glass bottle & wash it well
- Fill it 3/4th with filtered water
- Cover it with cotton plug or wodden cork
- Keep it in sunlight for 7-8 hours
- In the evening keep it in kitchen
- Normal water of bottle now become very beneficial medicine for various ailments
- Bottle should be of glass only & no plastic bottle should be used
- It should not be kept in moon light. After sunset it should brought inside.
- Bottle should not be covered with its iron or any metal cap.
- It cures infection
- It is a blood purifier
- It removes toxins from body
- It is beneficial in fever upto 102 degree celsious
- Its intake is beneficial in Typhoid & Chickenpox
- It is very beneficial in curing Eye ailments: irritation, Redness, Swelling, Burning, Cataract, Eyesight weakness
- It is very helpful in Skin ailments : Eczema, Pigmentation, Blemishes, Pimples & Acne
- Its proves very beneficial in Intestine wounds
- Septic condition
- Leucorrhoea
- Ring worms
- High B.P.
- Piles
- Constipitation
- All Summer diseases
Intake / Dose :
1 glass before lunch and dinner
- Take 1 empty BROWN colour glass bottle & wash it well
- Fill it 3/4th with filtered water
- Cover it with cotton plug or wodden cork
- Keep it in sunlight for 7-8 hours
- In the evening keep it in kitchen
- Normal water of bottle after being charged in sunlight now become very beneficial medicine for various ailments
- Bottle should be of glass only & no plastic bottle should be used
- It should not be kept in moon light. After sunset it should brought inside.
- Bottle should not be covered with its iron or any metal cap
- 2 bottles can be taken and charged to avoid discontinuation
- Cough
- Cold
- Asthma
- Gastric Discomfort
- Acidity
- Nose Blockage
- Arthritis
- Backache
- Muscular Pain
- Bed Wetting
- Loss Of Appetite
- Indigestion
- Weakness Of Liver
- Vomiting
- Stomache
- Painful Mensturation
- Diabetes
- Impotence
- Anaemic
- Loose Motion
- Low B.P.
Intake / Dose :
1 cup of charged brown bottle water 15 minutes after meal (lunch and dinner)
- Take 1 empty BROWN colour glass bottle & wash it well
- Fill it 3/4th with TIL OIL
- Cover it with cotton plug or wodden cork
- Keep it in sunlight for 3 months
- In the evening keep it in kitchen & next day again keep it in sunlight
- Normal OIL of bottle now become very beneficial medicine for various ailments
- Bottle should be of glass only & no plastic bottle should be used
- It should not be kept in moon light. After sunset it should brought inside.
- Bottle should not be covered with its iron or any metal cap
- Arthritis
- Joint Pain
- Varicose vein
- Stiffness of Spinal Cord
- Backache
- Stiffness of neck
- Cervical Spondylitis
- Shoulder pain
- Stiffness of Shoulder
- Sciatica
- Gout
- Paralysis
- Ribs pain
- Muscular pain
- Heel crack
Intake / Dose :
Oil massage for 15 minutes
- Take 1 empty BLUE colour glass bottle & wash it well
- Fill it 3/4th with filtered water
- Cover it with cotton plug or wodden cork
- Keep it in sunlight for 7-8 hours
- In the evening keep it in kitchen
- Normal water of bottle after being charged in sunlight now become very beneficial medicine for various ailments
- Bottle should be of glass only & no plastic bottle should be used
- It should not be kept in moon light. After sunset it should brought inside.
- Bottle should not be covered with its iron or any metal cap
- 2 bottles can be taken and charged to avoid discontinuation
- High fever above 102 degree celsius
- Headache due to excessive heat
- Controls Excess thirst
- Loose motion
- Pimples
- Insect bite
- Teeth ache
- Swelling of Gums
- Bleeding of Gums
- Earache
- Nervousness
- Piles
- Dry Skin
- Irritation on skin
- Redness of skin
- Insomnia. Sleep in blue colour light. (zero watt blue colour bulb light)
- Ulcer
- Colitis
- High B.P.
Intake / Dose :
1 glass before meal
" Stay Charged, with natural Immune ".