Gas / Acidity

Gas / Acidity
Disease & Natural Cure

IMPORTANT : Gas and Acidity are common problems now  a days.


  • Due to excessive intake of spicy / fried food
  • Excess intake of junk food
  • Less intake of water
  • Overeating
  • Empty stomach for long time
  • Less physical activity
  • Imbalance of juice secreations of digestive system

Natural Treatment For Gas

natural treatment

  • Early Morning : Kapalbhati for 10 mins. / Walk / Anulom –Vilom / Anuloma
  • Breakfast :
    • Sprouts : Green gram dal (Sabut moong)
    • Moth bean (Sabut Moth)
    • Peanut
    • Soyabean
    • Black Gram + Cucumber, Tomato + 1/4th lemon
  • 11:00 a.m : Any 1 seasonal fruit
  • 1:00 p.m : Salad : Cucumber, Tomato
  • Lunch : Simple Chapatti / Rice + chutney + curd + all seasonal vegetables
  • After lunch : 2 tsp. Fennel (Saunf) + Rock sugar (Mishri)
  • 5:00p.m : 1 Banana / 1 cup dip tea
  • Dinner : Chapatti + dal / vegetable + chutney
  • After dinner : Saunf + Mishri
  • Vajrasan for 10-15 mins


  • Spicy / fried food
  • Maida Products
  • Junk food
  • Heavy dinner

Note : Always eat less than hunger as some space is needed by digestive system to digest the food properly. Don’t ever overeat. Chew the food properly. Don’t ever do 2 in 1 or 3 in 1 like watching TV and eating, doing work and eating.

Give proper time to your meal. It wont take more than 15 mins. To finish it properly.

Medicine in kitchen

For flatulence , heaviness in stomach :

During Summers : Take 1 tsp. of Cumin seeds .Boil in 1 cup of water when water remain 1/4th. Switch off the burner. Sieve the water add 1/4th lemon + salt according to taste. Drink it sip by sip. It is very beneficial for severe heaviness in stomach.

During Winters : 4 Cloves boiled in 1 cup of water. When water remain 1/4th sieve it in & drink it slowly. It gives relief from gas / acidity / heaviness / feeling of vomiting.

" Its is not how much you put into Stomuch that counts, But How Much it Digests - So Eat Right ".